New and Old
Who are these new admins? I am sure you've seen the new
names, some of them in high places. Never fear. They are the same great
admins that have always been here. This includes BulletGutz, who
recently changed her name to Colossith. Also, welcome back
Cheshiresmile and Jenova!
See a name that you're not familiar with? You may want to
check the
announcement section of the forums for
name changes and promotions. Of
course, they will always be added to the list in the newsletter!
Calling All Artists!
Underdog, the site owner, is looking for artist! He is
looking for individuals to create new avatars (pose sets) and rooms for him.
All artwork that is retained will be paid for in Deltas, and rights will be
turned over to him (Wunderwood, LLC). A style set is not mentioned for
the poses, however he asks that rooms be in a simple line and flood style,
or cell style (think Adventure Quest). Room images will need to be in
a large format, at least 1500 by 1000 pixels in size, and the images be
in layers so they can be broken down for effect. Although all rights will
be turned over, a small unobtrusive signature (for example) will be allowed
on the artwork, allowing credit to the artist.
If you are interested, please submit your examples and price
expectations to Bill Underwood (Underdog).
Resourceful links:
Artist TOS Forum - This section is for both
artist's and whomever is
curious of an artist's TOS. As of April 15, artist are required to post
your TOS here so that others may reference it.
Permissions Section - A place to post
permissions to artwork and poses sold
or allowed others to use. One topic per user, please!
Problem Ticket - Please submit a problem
ticket with this link, if you are having any techincal issues, ban
questions, payment questions, or other issues. These go directly
to the administration team.
Species - Can you use it? If you've seen a
species that you'd like to use, commission, or just curious about, here is
a link to a collection of original species, their owners, and allowed
Suggestions - Have an idea on how to improve
your chat experience? Here's the place to suggest it. Please make sure you
search before you post. Someone may have already posted a similar
Wolfhome Markets - A place to buy, sell, and
Who's Who - Administrative
List of promotions
and retires since the last newsletter.
Darknation: 8/20
Leski: 8/21
Siren: 8/22
Binky: 8/4
Decoy: 8/3
Leviticus: 8/5
Rapture: 8/2
Sola: 8/3
Leviticus, Mohegan,
Wolfhome Administrative Team:
BulletGutz/Colossith, Fancy/Fleur, Razorback (partner), Redfoxx, RiceNoodle,
Selendris, Sol, Underdog (chat owner), Vladimir
Asrta, Azreil, Casanova, Cheshiresmile, Darknation, Devaska,
Firekeeper, Freewolf, ScatteredFL, Timberwolf, Wendigowolf
Binky, BugFinder, Cyclops, Decoy, Dip, Jenova, Kiche, Kina, Leski,
Orez, Pixie, Sandhya/Sirocca, Scarlet, Sessgo, Shivra, ShortCircuit, Silence,
Siren, Sitara (Korra on forums), Slver/Sola, Takatia
Admin Assistants: Catspaw, LucanWolf, Rhode,
ShadowTigress, Taishi
Art Review Team (ART):
Astra, BulletGutz,
Casanova, Devaska, GTWolf, Ricenoodle, ScatteredFL, Shivra, Siren,
Sitara/Korra, Sol, Wendigowolf
Event Team:
AkaiKaze, Doctre/Heyl, Grim, Juke, Luce, Pulse, Twistedd
Forum Department:
Azriel, Casanova, Darknation, Devaska, Firekeeper, Kiche, Orez, Ricenoodle,
Sessgo, ScatteredFL, Siren, Takatia, Taku, Timberwolf
Banners of Wolfhome
Have you visited the Wolfhome Banner page? If you have a MySpace,
Facebook, LiveJournal or a personal web page, you can help get the word out
about Wolfhome and earn some deltas in the process. Follow the link from
the log in page
